Rum production: elaboration and chemical characteristics

Lara Solange Bastos de ALMEIDA, Rafaela COUTO, Daniela Defávari do NASCIMENTO


Among the beverages produced based on alcoholic fermentation and distillation, Rum stands out. The distillate is produced from the fermentation of sugarcane molasses, going through two distillation processes, and proceeding to the aging stage. In this project, production was carried out followed by chromatographic, microbiological analyzes and a market research analysis. Through Chromatographic analysis the presence of alcohol content, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, N-propanol, isoamyl alcohol and isobutanol were quantified, presenting variable results when compared to the literature. Cell viability of the yeast used in fermentation process was carried out using a Neubauer chamber, totaling a percentage of 84.2% of viable cells, which potentiates the microorganism. The market research presented information where it is observed that the issue of alcoholic beverage consumption is well divided between beers, distillates and mixed drinks, which shows the change in consumer habits over time.


physicochemical analysis; fermentation; distillation and market research.

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